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Related 服务



Adapted Physical Education

Adapted Physical Education 如果学生的需求不能在其他体育课程中得到充分满足,如运动技能表现和其他方面的需求的评估和评价,适应性体育专家是否为学生提供直接的体育教育服务. 它可能包括个别设计的发展活动, 游戏, 体育, 和节奏, 为力量的发展和健身相适应的能力, 限制, 以及可能不安全的残疾学生的个人利益, 成功, 或有意义地不受限制地参加一般或修改的体育课程的剧烈活动.

Audiological services

Audiological services 包括测量的敏锐度,监测放大,和频率调制系统的使用. Consultation services with 老师, 父母, 或语言病理学家必须在IEP中被识别为理性的, 频率, and duration of contact; infrequent contact is considered assistance and would not be included. 

School-Based Physical Therapy (PT)

School-Based Physical Therapy (PT) is a service provided, pursuant to an IEP, by a registered physical therapist, or physical therapist assistant, 当评估显示大肌肉运动表现和其他教育技能之间存在差异时. Physical therapy includes, but is not limited to, motor control and coordination, posture and balance, 自助, functional mobility, accessibility and use of assistive devices. 服务可以在教室或其他教育环境中提供,可以以小组或个人的形式提供. 这些服务可能包括适应学生的环境和课程, selected therapeutic techniques and activities, 与员工和家长进行协商和协作干预

Specialized Deaf and Hard of Hearing 服务

Specialized Deaf and Hard of Hearing 服务 include speech therapy, 语音阅读, auditory training, 和/或指导学生的交流方式. Rehabilitative and educational services; adapting curricula, 方法, and the learning environment; and special consultation to students, 父母, 老师, and other school personnel.


低发病率残疾的专门服务低发病率服务的定义是为患有骨科损伤的学生群体提供的服务, Visual Impairment (VI), 聋哑人, Hard of Hearing (HH), or Deaf-Blind (DB). 通常, 服务由流动教师或流动教师/专家在教育环境中提供. 根据需要向老师、员工和家长提供咨询. 这些服务必须清楚地写在学生的IEP中, 包括为学生提供服务的频率和持续时间.

Assistive 技术 服务

Assistive 技术 服务 包括任何专业培训或辅助设备的技术支持, adapted computer technology, 或专门的媒体与教育节目,以提高学生获得. The term includes a functional analysis of the student's needs for assistive technology; selecting, 设计, 拟合, 定制, or repairing appropriate devices; coordinating services with assistive technology devices; training or technical assistance for students with a disability, the student's family, 提供教育或康复服务的个人, 和雇主.

Behavior Intervention 服务

Behavior Intervention 服务 系统地执行旨在促进持久的程序吗, 学生行为的积极变化导致更多地接触各种社区环境, 社会联系, 公共活动, 并且安置在限制最少的环境中.

School-Based Occupational Therapy (OT)

School-Based Occupational Therapy (OT) 包括提高学生学习成绩的服务, postural stability, 自助 abilities, sensory processing and organization, 环境适应和辅助设备的使用, motor planning and coordination, visual perception and integration, social and play abilities, and fine motor abilities. 直接和间接的服务可以在教室或其他教育环境中以团体或个人的形式提供, 可能包括发展能力的治疗技术, 适应学生的环境或课程, 与其他员工和家长进行协商和合作. 服务 are provided, pursuant to an IEP, 由在美国职业治疗认证委员会注册的合格职业治疗师进行.

Specialized Orthopedic 服务

Specialized Orthopedic 服务 是否有针对骨科残疾学生的特殊需求而专门设计的教学, including specialized materials and equipment.

Specialized Vision Impairment Service

特殊视障服务是为视障学生提供的一大类服务. It includes assessment of functional vision; curriculum modifications necessary to meet the student's educational needs including Braille, 大类型, and aural media; instruction in areas of need; concept development and academic skills; communication skills including alternative modes of reading and writing; and social, 情感, 职业生涯, 职业, and independent living skills.

Speech and Language

言语及语言服务为理解或使用口语有困难的合资格人士提供补救措施. 这种困难可能是由发音问题引起的(不包括异常的吞咽模式), if that is the sole assessed disability); abnormal voice quality, 球场, or loudness; fluency; hearing loss; or the acquisition, 理解, or expression of spoken language. 由于不熟悉英语和环境造成的语言缺陷或说话模式, economic or cultural factors are not included. 服务包括专门的指导和服务:监控, 回顾, and consultation, and may be direct or indirect, 包括使用语言和语言病理学家.